What to expect on the tour

This self-paced tour is housed right inside our Merit learning environment, so you'll have the chance to experience what Merit is like from the learner perspective. You'll have the chance to interact with our workbooks, see sample lessons, and learn about the tools and research behind Merit's approach.
Merit Self-Guided Tour Screen Shot

Your Tour Itinerary

The self-guided tour will showcase how Merit works for learners, leaders, and teams. Our stops include:

    1. Howdy! Meet your tour guides!

    2. How the tour works

    3. Walk through Merit® with Dr. Emilie Socash

    4. Merit® in a Nutshell

    5. Sample Video: What is strategic planning?

    6. What our Learners Learn

    7. Who we Support

    1. First Look: The Learner Experience

    2. Sample Lesson: Program Implementation Skills

    3. Sample Lesson: Skill Expansion Resources Related to Donor Cultivation

    4. Sample Lesson: Skills Self-Check: Environmental Context

    5. Pushing Learners Further: Reflections & Personal Learning Plan

    6. Sample Lesson: Reflection Exercise: DEI in Your Nonprofit

    7. Sample Lesson: Personal Learning Plan: Strategic Planning

    8. About the Certificate Program

    1. The Leader Experience on Merit

    2. Maximizing Merit for Teams

    1. Merit® in a Minute

    2. Bringing Merit to Your Nonprofit

    3. Go further: Nonprofit Board Member Basics Course

    4. Farewell (But first...)

About this course

  • Free
  • 21 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Why take this tour?

  • You want full information right now about what Merit is, how your team will benefit, and what it costs.

  • You enjoy gathering information before committing time to a meeting.

  • You want to check out Merit's potential before recommending it to your nonprofit's decision-maker.

Helping 2000+ nonprofit learners from all skill levels

Merit learners and leaders leverage an immersive, interactive, and intuitive professional development experience to not just earn badges but really bring their learning to life.

Here are just a few of their stories.

Building my "vocabulary"

This is the first nonprofit I've worked at, and my learning on Merit has really helped me fast-track my understanding of some of the unique vocabulary within the nonprofit sector. I'm able to better understand how my work fits within the bigger picture in my organization!


Not One More Vet

Elevate our Professional Development

Partnering with Merit has allowed for LiFT to better streamline our required trainings and elevate our professional development opportunities for our team members. With self-paced courses, team members are able to access trainings during their busy schedules and enhance their learning with meaningful subject matter such as Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, Organizational Capacity, and LiFT-specific training courses.


Learning Independence for Tomorrow (LiFT)

Right Time, Right Price

Merit has become a staple in our learning and development offerings to employees. Employees are increasingly attracted to and retained by learning opportunities organizations offer. Merit helps round out our sources of learning and development, and thus, is an important component of our employee retention strategy.


Gulf Coast JFCS

Nonprofit-Focused Support

When I first engaged Merit, my primary goal was to get my employees the specific, nonprofit-focused support I felt would benefit them as they settled into their roles. What we ended up with was exactly that and more.


Not One More Vet

Takes the pressure off

Merit is an affordable learning platform we can all use at our own pace or together. It's flexible and the lessons are short and to the point which we all like since we're all so busy. Merit takes the pressure off of me to continuously search for and share learning materials while not knowing who read what. Now I can see what my team is working on and follow up with them or hold a discussion at a meeting about a Merit training.



Join the Tour!

Your wait is over: learn how Merit will help your team improve how they do what they do.