Train, Sustain, Retain:
Purchase Merit for yourself, your team, or your supported nonprofits
With full-team, flat-rate pricing for a best-in-class nonprofit education experience, Merit helps you support your nonprofit team, your clients, your grantees, and your members.
- Full learning experience for all team members
- Implementation planning session and live launch party
- Onboarding & learner management
- Team engagement data
- Anytime customer support
- Seasonal leadership roundtables
- 50% discount on all Nonprofit Help Center products & services
...everything from the Merit® Core Platform plan, plus:
- Custom content hosting for one course
Additional courses available for $360
Full-team or select enrollment
- 12 hours of support from the Merit® team
- Quarterly strategy sessions
- Unique features and learning experiences, including social community area, embeddable surveys, unlimited video hosting, required lessons, and more
- Full learning experience for all team members
- Implementation planning session and live launch party
- Onboarding & learner management included
- Team engagement data
- Anytime customer support
- Seasonal leadership roundtables
- Custom content, shared across your entire network
One year of Merit® access plus our signature Certificate in Nonprofit Capacity Building upon completion of program requirements!
Get full access to all 28 learning paths in a flexible pay as you go plan.
The best is yet to come! After you've signed up, Team Merit will:
Reach you immediately to provide you with enrollment instructions (for Bronze Plans) or schedule your live launch party (for Silver, Gold, and Platinum Plans)
Support you in designing how you'll implement Merit, and what sort of custom content you'll be offering (for Platinum Plans)
Follow up with you on accessing engagement data and strategies to enhance uptake
Be there to support your success, every step of the way!
We're happy to offer a free trial or a personal tour to give you a sense of how Merit can support your work! Just drop your email address below and the Merit team will be in touch.