Merit's Learning Paths

Nonprofit training for capacity building.

Merit presents 28 nonprofit professional development learning tracks (with a total of over 250 individual online courses). These courses are grouped into the six nonprofit capacity areas measured by the organizational assessment, the Impact Capacity Assessment Tool, or "iCAT."

These core capacities are:

  • Leading
  • Learning
  • Resource-Generating
  • Managing
  • Overseeing
  • Planning

Leading Capacity

"Leading" is an organization's capacity to articulate a clear vision for itself and incentivize everyone to achieve that vision. This group of courses builds on one of every effective nonprofit's core capacities: leadership to make change happen.

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
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Mission Focused Leadership
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Community Leadership

Learning Capacity

"Learning" is a nonprofit's capacity to collect, process, and use information about its programs, operations, and external environment in order to deliver on its mission. These courses help nonprofits better understand their strengths and weaknesses in order to fulfill their vision.

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Organizational Capacity
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Environmental Context
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Program Success
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Performance Assessment
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Advocacy Success
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Population Needs

Resource Generating Capacity

"Resource generating" is the capacity of an organization to raise the funds and other resources that it needs to operate, as well as its ability to incentivize others to support the organization in doing so. This collection of courses help nonprofits build their organizational strengths around fundraising as well as stakeholder engagement.

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Staff Fundraising
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Board Fundraising
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Donor Cultivation
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Grantmaker Relationships

Managing Capacity

"Managing" measures an organization’s ability to utilize its human and financial resources in an efficient and effective manner. These courses explore the strengths and challenges at play in nonprofit management and nonprofit leadership.

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Professional Development
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Staff Deployment
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Community Collaboration
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Staff Recruitment and Retention
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Volunteer Engagement
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Program Implementation
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Overseeing Capacity

"Overseeing" measures an organization’s ability to hold itself accountable financially and for the achievement of its impact. These courses look at the role of key stakeholders and offer a capacity building approach to improving nonprofit oversight.

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Implementation Accountability
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Impact Accountability
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Financial Overseeing

Planning Capacity

"Planning" measures an organization’s ability to effectively make decisions and plan for the future. These courses support the nonprofits ability in delivering results and planning for improvement.

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Decision Making
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Strategic Planning